Cocaine produces a sense of extreme joy by causing the brain to release higher than normal amounts of some biochemical. The effects cocaine causes make this a very addictive substance. When an individual attempts to stop using cocaine, they tend to experience withdrawal symptoms and spiral into depression. Some of the withdrawal symptoms such as craving and displeasure can become very extreme when ceasing to stop using. Depression, irritability, displeasure and cravings are often signs of cocaine withdrawal symptoms.
In many countries cocaine is a popular recreational drug, in the United States the development of crack cocaine Introduced the substance to a poorer market. The use of the powder form has stayed relatively constant.
Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant that directly affects the brain. Cocaine’s popularity was mostly during the 1980s. Cocaine is in fact one of the oldest drugs, the pure chemical cocaine hydrochloride has been an abused substance for more than 100 years. Many South American tribes have often used coca leaves which have been ingested for 1000 years.
Atlanta Cocaine Addictionand Cocaine addiction can occur very rapidly and can be extremely difficult to overcome. If you suspect a loved one to be going through cocaine withdrawal symptoms, it is advisable to speak to a cocaine addiction treatment centre.
Cocaine withdrawal often has no visible physical symptoms like vomiting and shaking that accompanies withdrawal from other drugs such as heroin or alcohol. This can often make spotting cocaine withdrawal symptoms very difficult.
In the past people underestimated how addictive cocaine can be, however cocaine can be very addictive due to the euphoria and quick high experienced whilst using.
Atlanta Cocaine Addiction -Primary cocaine withdrawal symptoms include:
- Agitation and restless behaviour
- Depressed mood
- Fatigue
- increased appetite
- Vivid nightmares
- loss of motivation
- slowing of activity
- cravings
Withdrawal symptoms and craving can last for several months following cessation of long-term heavy use. Withdrawal symptoms may also be associated with suicidal thoughts in some people.
Cocaine is a huge problem to our current society with its addicted users doing whatever they can to try and get their next fix. This can create physical and psychological effects on a good percentage of the population.
There has been an enormous increase in the number of people seeking treatment for cocaine addiction during the 1980s and 1990s, cocaine addiction is actually quite common, it’s a very addictive drug. Cocaine is a highly addictive illegal drug which has ruined the lives of millions of people over the centuries. It ruins the user’s life and the lives of those who care for them.
Drug addictions can be very serious but they can be treated. Substance abuse treatment programs typically use a combination of specialised counseling and medication to help the person to cease using. Although most addicts need help to recover from their addiction, research has shown that with support and treatment many people are able to stop drugs and return to a normal life.